Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Impressions

We have now been in Colorado for a little over a month. It has been a very interesting month of adjustment. Everyone in the family has had a different impression of Co. so we decided to tell you all in a nut shell what we like best about our new home, in each persons own words.

"The houses are large and cheap."

"I like the snow!"
- David (he is apparently anticipating the first snow fall :) )

"Dry, little air, nice people, pretty landscape, fickle weather, wonderful church."
- Benjamin

"I never realized how many stairs there are in Co. There are just stairs, stairs, and more STAIRS."
- Sarah

" Colorado is gorgeous. I love the trees and undulating terrain."
- Samuel

"I love all the kids in the neighborhood."
- Anna-Kate

"Moving to Colorado has been a wonderful yet challenging experience.  We love having a bigger house but still don't have a place for all our things!  We have way too much stuff.  We love our neighborhood, which is friendly and helpful but we miss our friends back in California.  Having air-conditioning is truly a blessing but boy; it really is hotter here than in the Bay Area.  Castle Rock is a much smaller community than Sunnyvale and the Silicon Valley were.  We have been to a parade, the local library and the local DMV which have all been friendly, easy places where we learned a lot about Castle Rock and met new people.  The pace here is different and we adjust more and more everyday to our new home."
- Heather

"The weather is much milder than what I experienced in Texas over the summer. The cloud patterns are also very breath-taking."
- Joel

"I like the beautiful sunsets, and the open spaces, there is room to breathe and enjoy peace and quiet.  Everyone is so friendly, and open, I really enjoy meeting new people at church. I truly think that God has blessed our move."
- Gabrielle

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