Friday, July 18, 2014

"Bees They'll Buzz!"

Hello all,
Just recently the Stanton family became bee ranchers upon the arrival of two nucs of bees. In case you all don't know a nuc is a package of bees that have already started producing brood and building comb.
 The hive on the left is a little weak, as it has fewer bees but, it is still doing well. The hive on the right has begun building out the comb in the extra frames we put in the hive and the brood patterns are tight. Dad decided that they were ready for another box of frames.
  Upper: The hive setup. (pre bees). The straw bales are for wind protection.
Right: The hives (post bees).
 Anna has her veil on, ready to take dominion over the bees.
 Nathani, daddy's little helper, shown here with the smoker.

 The right hive up close.
 Daddy is making sure that the frames are evenly spaced.
Plenty of sugar water here!
Looking good!