Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rioting in London

For those of you who don’t know, the police in England have been fighting four days of looting and rioting in cities across Britain. The majority of the looters appear to be young adults. The rioters have spent their time smashing into stores, setting cars and dumpsters on fire, and shooting fireworks at the police. The news has been covering the destruction that has been inflicted on the locals as well as the reluctance of the police to use harsher methods (i.e tear gas and water cannons) to squelch the riots. Several different reasons have been given for the motivation behind the disturbance, like the slashes in government spending, the unemployment, racial tensions etc. etc. What I found very interesting is that no one seems to be asking the question, “Why are the young people so involved?” Of the 450 people arrested over the course of three days, over 100 were 21 or younger and that number continues to grow day after day. The news interviewed one of the rioters and this is what he said:

“This is the uprising of the working class. We're redistributing the wealth," said Bryn Phillips, a 28-year-old self-described anarchist, as young people emerged from the store with chocolate bars and ice cream cones.

This is the product of years of evolutionary, communistic, man-centered education and ideologies that has taken over Britain’s society. When you have youth, teenagers, and young adults being fed this in the schools and from the news, it is no wonder that this kind of behavior is the result. If you believe that there is no right or wrong, that wealth should be equally shared by all, and that might makes right, then you will have justification for this kind of anarchy. Here is another quote the news shared:

Many appeared attracted simply by the opportunity for violence. "Come join the fun!" shouted one youth in the east London suburb of Hackney, where shops were attacked and cars torched.

Combined with all the man-centered teaching in the schools, you also have a generation of young people who are devoted to entertainment and pleasure no matter what the cost. Setting fire to cars and looting shops is just another avenue for personal enjoyment. What’s so wrong with that?

This generation of looters and pillagers are the future voters, workers, and leaders of Britain’s society. If this kind of disregard of personal property, disobedience to civil authorities, and addiction to entertainment continues, who can say where the country will go.

Proverbs 10:23-25,

Doing wickedness is like sport to a fool, and so is wisdom to a man of understanding. What the wicked fears will come upon him, but the desire of the righteous will be granted. When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation.

-Quotes taken from Yahoo! News

See also

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